Missions is basically Jesus calling us to others. We bring the love of God inside the church to the outside where the Church is.
We support local organizations, such as the food banks, Valley Assistance Services, and Hands of a Friend. Not only do we support them financially, but many of our people do hands-on work with these organizations.
We support organizations in our region, such as Youth On Their Own and Presbyterian Campus Ministry in Tucson, and Crossroads and St. Andrews in Nogales.
We support missionaries and organizations in other countries: Casa Vida Nueva para Ninos, an orphanage in Mexico, and Bob and Kristi Rice in the Congo.
Click here for more information and discover ways you can help.
Patio Sale
Every year in March, we host the biggest Patio Sale in the region. 100% of net profits goes to support our Mission organizations. Click here find out the dates of our next patio sale.
Valley Galley
We Cook, We Serve, We Care. This is the mission statement of our newest ministry to the community. For several years, we had been looking for a way to bring God’s love out into our community. One day, one of members passed the Green Valley Shopping Mall and saw a red trailer in the parking lot with a “For Sale” sign. It soon became ours. What a better way to demonstrate God’s love than through food!
You may have seen our little red trailer out and about in the community. If you do, stop by and purchase some homemade food, desserts and smoothies. It will be served to you with a warm smile.
Peace and Justice Committee
Blessed are the peacemakers, Jesus said. Through classes, special speakers and student scholarships, this group promotes peace in our lives, community and the world. Watch the Valley Voice, our church newsletter, for upcoming events. Click here to read our newsletter and/or to subscribe.
Missions is basically Jesus calling us to others. We bring the love of God inside the church to the outside where the Church is.
We support local organizations, such as the food banks, Valley Assistance Services, and Hands of a Friend. Not only do we support them financially, but many of our people do hands-on work with these organizations.
We support organizations in our region, such as Youth On Their Own and Presbyterian Campus Ministry in Tucson, and Crossroads and St. Andrews in Nogales.
We support missionaries and organizations in other countries: Casa Vida Nueva para Ninos, an orphanage in Mexico, and Bob and Kristi Rice in the Congo.
Click here for more information and discover ways you can help.
Patio Sale
Every year in March, we host the biggest Patio Sale in the region. 100% of net profits goes to support our Mission organizations. Click here find out the dates of our next patio sale.
Valley Galley
We Cook, We Serve, We Care. This is the mission statement of our newest ministry to the community. For several years, we had been looking for a way to bring God’s love out into our community. One day, one of members passed the Green Valley Shopping Mall and saw a red trailer in the parking lot with a “For Sale” sign. It soon became ours. What a better way to demonstrate God’s love than through food!
You may have seen our little red trailer out and about in the community. If you do, stop by and purchase some homemade food, desserts and smoothies. It will be served to you with a warm smile.
Peace and Justice Committee
Blessed are the peacemakers, Jesus said. Through classes, special speakers and student scholarships, this group promotes peace in our lives, community and the world. Watch the Valley Voice, our church newsletter, for upcoming events. Click here to read our newsletter and/or to subscribe.