Congregational Care
Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons Provides oversight to the areas of Congregational Care listed below. At least one member of the Board of Deacons serves in each area of Ministry. For more information about these areas, please contact the church office at 520-625-5023 or [email protected].
Extended Communion is taken to residents of care facilities and homes in the area. Facility Visitation
Visits to members who are in Assisted Living facilities, Adult Care homes, and Nursing homes. Network of Caring, Rideshare, Homebound
Network of Caring is calling, caring, connecting and ministering to our members and homebound members in the neighborhoods where they live. Grief & Bereavement Ministry
The Ministry of Presence reaches out to those who have recently experienced loss. For those who have lost a loved one, Grief Support Workshops are offered three times during the year. Communication of Care to Congregants
Birthday remembrance calls are made each day to members of the congregation. Cards are sent and calls are made to those recently discharged from the hospital. Sanctuary flowers are delivered weekly. Prayer Ministry, Prayer Shawls & Prayer Bears
Prayer Ministry meets to pray the requests of the congregation, and for members, friends, relatives and others, our nation and the world. Prayer Shawls are given to those who may need comfort or joy. Stephen Ministry
Our Stephen Ministers are trained members of the congregation who walk with a member during a time of personal trial or loss. Click HERE to learn more about Stephen Ministry. Ushers/Owl Express/Safety
Greeters, ushers, and Owl Express is coordinated for services. Safety is provided in church during Worship services. Sunday Fellowship
Fellowship on Sunday plans, organizes, prepares, and serves delicious cookies and beverages after Worship Services. QAPI
Quality Assurance/Process Improvement committee regulates the budget and develops the protocols for Congregational Care. |
Parish Nurse
The Parish Nurse Ministry is part of Congregational Care. It provides resources to, and supports, the committees that are a part of the Congregational Care model. The Parish Nurse Ministry also provides resources and support to the BOD of Deacons. For more information about these areas, please contact Chris Erickson, Parish Nurse, at 520-625-5023 or [email protected].
Faith and Health Committee
Parish Nurse Ministry works with the chair of Faith and Health for agenda and meetings, and also provides information and updates to other Faith and Health Committee members during meetings and as needed. Assessments
Parish Nurse Ministry visits with congregational members in office or in their home, as well as facilities, to assess health, living, social, emotional and spiritual needs are being met. Provides resources and advocacy to congregational members and their families. Medical Team
Parish Nurse Ministry coordinates and provides oversight for Volunteer Medical Team here at VPC. Each Sunday a Volunteer Medical Team member is scheduled. Information is provided to secretary for bulletin by Thursday mornings. First aid, CPR, and protocols are reviewed each year, as well as oversight of First Aid kits and supplies in the medical/custodial room cabinet. Blood Pressure Clinic
Parish Nurse Ministry coordinates and plans blood pressure screening clinics on Sundays following Worship Services. Other congregation members that are licensed nurses or physicians also assist if needed. Flu Clinic
Parish Nurse Ministry coordinates and plans an annual Flu Clinic. Parish Nurse and other Faith and Health members are also present during the Flu Clinic. Health Fair – Part of Care Fair
Parish Nurse Ministry is a part of the Care Fair. Helps coordinate and plan Care Fair, and attends and participates in the Care Fair. Health presentations
Parish Nurse Ministry coordinates and plans health presentations at VPC, coordinating and planning those that are based on needs assessments and those presented by Faith and Health Committee. |