Adult Studies
We offer a variety of ever-changing classes year round, and our classes welcome everyone so you need not be a member of (or attend) Valley Presbyterian Church. All that is needed is a willing soul and thirsting mind. New classes are always being offered. You can learn more from brochures at the Faith Formation Kiosk, and in the monthly Valley Voice. You can also see the current and upcoming classes on the News & Events page of this website, our Facebook page, and in our Sunday morning worship bulletins.
Upcoming/Ongoing Faith Formation Programs
Upcoming Faith Formation Adult Classes
Fall Classes 2022 The Book: The Grand Story of God Started Thursday, Sept 8, 1 -2 p.m. Will run until Spring. In person and recorded Teachers: Diane Christopher and Chuck Ramsay Bible Reflections Starts Monday, Sept 12, 1 p.m. In person and Zoom Teacher: Craig Lindsey Fall Writing Series 6 weeks, starting Sept 19 and running through October 24 Mondays, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Teacher: Linda Piotrowski How Martin Luther Changed History November 8, 15, 22 Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Teacher: Bud Landry Movie Ministry Will continue third Wednesday of month through October at 1 p.m. September: A River Runs Through It. Moderated by Craig Lindsey October: Pam Karbowsky |
Advent Devotional
This year, we will write our own Advent Devotional based on the characters of the Christmas story. If you are interested in writing a devotion, contact Pastor Diane at the church. Nov 27, 1st Sunday of Advent. Deadline to hand in devotions: Nov 11 (sooner the better) Winter 2023 Jesus’ Last Days Based on The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim Offered both Zoom and in person. Begin in January and ends pre-Easter (not scheduled yet) Teacher: Bud Landry The Grace of Les Miserables Based on the book by Matt Rawle Comes with DVD, Leader guide Teacher: Eloise Frederickson |