The Dr. George H. Pike
Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care Endowment
A vital part of Valley Presbyterian on-going mission is to have a full-time Pastor dedicated to helping each person grow in the caring for others. This Endowment Fund was founded to ensure that Valley will always have an Associate Pastor whose focus is the ministry of Pastoral Care, thus assuring that each member of the congregation is touched by this ministry, especially the ill, the troubled, the dying, and the families of the deceased. This Endowment Fund exists as a designated account within the financial structure of Valley.
The Rev. Dr. George Pike occupies a unique place in the history of Valley Presbyterian Church. Having retired to Green Valley after an exceptional career first as a pastor, then at the national level working on the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Bicentennial Fund, and later as Director of Development for Dubuque Theological Seminary (and candidate for Moderator of the General Assembly), George stepped in as Interim Senior Pastor after founding pastor Rev. Joe Hawkins retired. His superb preaching and commitment to cultivating the spiritual gift of generosity carried the church well during the period between Rev. Hawkins and the calling of Dr. John Ross. Then, once again, when Dr. Ross announced his retirement, George rose to the challenge of leading Valley through another interim, doing so with style and, especially, grace, as our congregation was once again prepared for a new Pastor. The Pike Endowment honors George, his wife Pauline, and their dedication to Christ, our church, and ensuring the future of this ministry. |
Our goal is to have the fund balance large enough so that income from the principal will be sufficient to pay all of the salary and expenses for the Associate Pastor. A gift can be a made in a number of different ways, including cash. You can review some of the various ways to do this by going to the link below. We also invite you to pick up some of pamphlets and literature that we have in the rack by the Welcome Desks in each narthex area. In addition please do not hesitate to speak with any one of our Endowment Committee members listed here.
For more technical investment assistance, feel free to contact Stephen Keizer, Vice President, Ministry Relations of the Presbyterian Foundation, toll Free 866 317 0751, [email protected] or Bill Herf, Vice President and Branch Manager, Ziegler Wealth Management, 480 483 5984, [email protected]. |
Email a Committee Member by clicking on their name below
Correspondence will be confidential Tommy Calhoun |
Please use the link below to go to a site which will provide detailed information about the various options for giving.