Mission Overview
"Mission" at Valley represents the specific people and organizations outside of the congregation that have been highlighted to receive our special spiritual, financial and sometimes physical support. Following is a list of the missionaries and ministries with whom Valley Presbyterian Church partners. You are encouraged to pray, correspond, volunteer your time and skills, and give financially in support of these mission partners.
In doing so, you can take part in the exciting work being accomplished for Christ throughout the world. Click on the bold, blue links to find out more information about each one. A substantial amount of the money collected for Mission comes from our annual Patio Sale and from our "Noisy Offerings" which are collected during our Sunday worship service whenever there is a fifth Sunday of the month. You can download a full PDF copy of the 2024 Mission Outreach Booklet by clicking on the box below.
The Mission Outreach Committee is responsible to research, review and evaluate those ministries and organizations which receive, or are applying for, our financial support. The committee then allocates the funds budgeted by the Session to these ministries.
Each committee member maintains an ongoing relationship with the missions we support and this directory is a source of information for evaluation and staying aware of their needs.
Each committee member maintains an ongoing relationship with the missions we support and this directory is a source of information for evaluation and staying aware of their needs.